Effects of Dehorning on Black Rhinoceros

Published on link.springer.com the 15.08.2022. | By: Lucy C. Chimes, Piet Beytell, Jeff R. Muntifering, Birgit Kötting & Vikki Neville To protect them from poachers, rhinos endangered due to poaching are being dehorned in the wild – but what effects does this have on them? A study has investigated it.

Ruanda: Reborn Wilderness

Published on tierwelt.ch the 14.01.2020. | By: Winfried Schumacher On his journey through the Akagera National Park, the report encounters a familiar animal: rhinoceros Olmoti from Zurich Zoo.

2020: Good Year-End for Rhinos

Published on nachrichten.idw-online.de the 14.01.2020. 2020 had a happy ending at least for the northern white rhinoceros: important embryos were created, to save the species after all. » to the full press release