Balancing the Needs of the Many with the Needs of the One Named Tokitae (Lolita)

Published on the 13.04.2023. | By: Dr Grey Stafford with Dr Jason Bruck & Shari Tarantino

Is the need of some people to release Lolita, which will likely lead to her death, more important than the old orca’s need for welfare? Experts explore this question, which is currently a topic of heated discussion worldwide.

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Partner exchange like a breath of fresh air for Goodfellow’s tree-kangaroos at Krefeld Zoo

Published on Krefeld Zoo’s YouTube channel the 02.04.2023. | By: Petra Schwinn, Adam Mathea & Leonard Giesberts

Three new pairs have formed following a partner exchange conducted as part of a conservation breeding programme for Goodfellow’s tree-kangaroos. Krefeld Zoo, in charge of coordinating breeding, shared how the animal arrived in Krefeld and what this entails for conservation.

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