A single PETA employee demonstrates for PETA against orcas in zoos | Photo: zoos.media

Former PETA Employee Exposes What It Was Like To Work For Them

Published on vocal.media the 19.01.2020. | By: Jenny Deedy

What is it like working for PETA? In the article, former PETA employee “Kitty”, called like that for her own protection, reports on her experience.

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Note: The resemblance of reports by former PETA employees is remarkable. You can read a lot about sect-like structures and methods, poor working conditions and various forms of harassment. This former employee reports something similar:

WHISTLEBLOWERIN: PETA Ex-Mitarbeiterin behauptet, sie wurde ermutigt Haustiere zu stehlen und zu töten, und Aufzeichnungen zu fälschen

Overall PETA does not seem to be the employer you would hope for.

Wie ist PETA eigentlich so als Arbeitgeber?

It is noteworthy, however, that higher up in the hierarchy, positions come with good money and luxury:

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Wie viel verdient man bei PETA wirklich?

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All of this puts a spotlight on the industry.

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