A volunteer feeds elephant lady Maali with a banana. | Photo: Taingvitou Mut, Eric M. Davis, ZooNation.Org

The Interesting Story of Mali, the Philippines’ Only Elephant

Published on esquiremag.ph the 27.07.2020. | By: Mario Alvaro Limos

The elephant Mali lives in the zoo of Manila, which is currently undergoing an excellent transformation and has become the best accommodation for the aged elephant.

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Note: Mali has accompanied us at zoos.media for a long time now, as we repeatedly report about her.

Die Elefantin im Manila Zoo – Wahrheit und Hilfe

Wie geht es Elefantin ‘Mali’ wirklich?

And we will continue to report about her. Manila Zoo is an excellent example of how a zoo can gradually develop and improve.

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