Exclusively for zoos.media – 10.05.2023. Author: Philipp J. Kroiß A geriatric female elephant was transferred from an accredited zoo to an animal rights industry sanctuary. She survived the transfer for only a few weeks.
Exklusively for zoos.media – 10.02.2023. Author: Philipp J. Kroiß The kill rate in PETA’s animal shelter has risen significantly once again. In 2022, PETA killed more animals than it had since 2014: over 2,000 dogs, cats, and other pets.
Published on the YouTube channel of Zurich Zoo the 08.07.2022. How do you try to save the life of an elephant affected by the herpes virus? Zurich Zoo shares interesting insights into the treatment of elephant Omysha.
Published on the Facebook page of ZooNews Digest the 25.04.2022. Legitimate offers for elephant riding are not only beneficial to the animals but also for their health. Therefore, they are important for the animals.
Publicado en zoo.ch el 03.01.2022. There have been fewer elephant-human conflicts around the Kaeng Krachan National Park from July to November 2021 – Zurich Zoo supports a project there to prevent them. » to the full notice
solinger-tageblatt.de am 15.01.2022. | Von: Andreas Boller Around 16 million euros will be poured into restructuring and expanding the elephant enclosure at Wuppertal Green Zoo by 2027 – also to prepare a highlight for the Buga 2031 (Germany’s federal horticulture show). » to the full article
Published on rp-online.de the 09.11.2021. Prof. Theo Pagel, director of the renowned Cologne Zoo, provides insights into his vision of the modern zoo as a lighthouse for conservation.
Published on ndr.de the 12.08.2021. What does the German Primate Centre have to do with zoo elephants? This contribution discusses a collaboration for the conservation of elephants that is unique throughout Europe. » to the full contribution
Published on ndr.de the 09.07.2021. In the near future, Hannover Adventure Zoo will have a bachelor group of elephants instead of mother lines. This will end of an era of successful breeding. » to the article
Published on wuppertaler-rundschau.de the 20.10.2020. The social behaviour of African bush elephants living in zoos and in the wild is part of a study conducted in Wuppertal and Vienna, amongst other zoos. » to the full article