Nuremberg Zoo: Gastroscopy for dolphins & co.

Published on the 01.05.2023. | By: Susanne Gugeler Prof. Dr. Med. Alexander Dechêne, head physician for gastroenterology in the clinic of Nuremberg, has gifted Nuremberg Zoo a gastroscope to treat the animals. » to the full article

Dolphins at Nuremberg Zoo

Published on the Facebook page of the Nuremberg Zoo the 01.04.2021. | By: Nicola Ohnemus Zoo guide Nicola takes visitors along on a trip to the Blue Saloon of the Dolphin Lagoon at Nuremberg Zoo and reports many interesting things. » to the full video

Nuremberg Zoo Answers FAQ on the Alleged Killing of a Lion

Published on the 05.11.2020. | By: Dr. Nicola A. Mögel Statements taken entirely out of context, from the director of Nuremberg Zoo, Dr. Dag Encke, about the necessity of population management, had lead to a need for explanation. In this publication, the zoo clarifies the situation. » to the full publication