Wuppertal Zoo: Loro Parque visits Aralandia

Published on the Facebook page Gemeinschaft der Zooförderer the 06.11.2020. The Conservation Officer of the Loro Parque Fundación (LPF) in Tenerife, Wolfgang Rades, has visited Aralandia at the Wuppertal Green Zoo and has received a cheque, to promote the conservation of parrots. » to the full post

The important mission: Conservation

Published on wochenblatt.es the 23.05.2020. | By: Sabine Virgin In this second part of the interview, Wolfgang Rades, Conservation Officer of Loro Parque, speaks about a very important topic: connection to nature.

Conservation: An Important Mission

Published on wochenblatt.es the 10.05.2020. | By: Sabine Virgin In the interview, Wolfgang Rades, Conservation Officer of Loro Parque, describes how the zoo in Tenerife responds to challenges in conservation. » to the full article

Dear San Diego, Thank You for Saving Pandas

Published on petlife.media the 31.03.2019. | By: Jenna Deedy The zoo in San Diego announced, that it will return its famous giant pandas back to China, and thus sadly end their stay at the zoo. In the article, the author thanks the zoo, for its exceptional and important dedication to wildlife conservation.