Berlin Zoo: Who is that waving?

Published on the 20.01.2023. The Sulawesi bear cuscus (Ailurops ursinus) is rarely ever found in European zoos. Berlin Zoo has now succeeded at breeding this endangered species. » to the full notice

Aquadom: 200 rescued fish arrive at Berlin Zoo

Published on the 19.12.2022. | By: Julian Loevenich & Katja Colmenares Out of the approximately 1,500 fish in Berlin’s destroyed AquaDom, around 200 could be rescued and were brought to Berlin Zoo, where the staff is fighting to save them. » to the full article

Berlin Zoo: Honouring Young Conservationists 

Published on the 05.07.2022. As part of an idea contest on the topic of conservation, the zoo and animal park of Berlin awarded prizes and prize money for the implementation of the ideas and thus of more conservation. » to the press release

Wuppertal Green Zoo: First love in Aralandia

Published on the Facebook page of Wuppertal Green Zoo the 31.05.2023. | By: Claudia Philipp A female from Nuremberg and a male from Berlin have found one another in Wuppertal Green Zoo. As a couple, they will now contribute to the European Ex-Situ Programme (EEP) for hyacinth macaws.