Published on the 29.01.2021. | By: FFM Aktuell In the future, visitors to Frankfurt Zoo will be able to decide whether they want to pay a voluntary conservation euro when buying a ticket. » to the full article
Published on the 06.03.2020. | By: Marcel Richters Nature and species conservation are an integral part of the work at Frankfurt Zoo – for example in the form of breeding programmes and educational work. » more
Published on in 2019. For the 30th anniversary of rhinoceros husbandry at the zoo and regarding the transport of rhinos to a national park, the article offers an overview about black rhino husbandry at Frankfurt Zoo. » to the full text
Published on the 18.01.2020. | By: Sabine Schramek The author looks to Frankfurt Zoo, which is currently closed due to lockdown regulations: the animals also “miss” the visitors. » to the full article
Published on the 27.12.2020. According to Dr. Christof Schenck, CEO of the Frankfurt Zoological Society (ZGF), the new Conservation Center planned in Frankfurt Zoo will become a lighthouse. » to the full interview
Published on the 13.11.2020. A new centre for international nature and species conservation is to be build soon at Frankfurt Zoo: the Frankfurt Conservation Center (FCC). » to the full article
Published on the 22.05.2020. Taking the Opel-Zoo in Kronberg and Frankfurt Zoo as examples, the article shows how zoos are handling the strong visitor interest after the long shutdown. » to the full article
Published on the Facebook page of ProZoo the 18.11.2019. | By: Christian Heidt The author discusses a questionable coverage by the German newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau. It is always puzzling how some media keep citing PETA. » more
Published on the 13.11.2018. | By: Thomas Stillbauer Francfort is currently working on the plan “Zookunft 2030+” – the concept study is funded by means of the KfW-foundation and the Zoo Francfort foundation. » more
The fact that zoological gardens try to protect endangered species from extinction through breeding programs is well known. But they also have other tasks.