Schmiererei radikaler Veganer | Quelle: oFace Killah/Flickr CC BY 2.0

Is vegan lifestyle healthy?

From an ecological point of view, it would make sense if less meat would be eaten all over the world. However, this can’t legitimize a strict vegetarianism nor a basic veganism can be justified.

Only in a few prosperous regions of the world such as in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Australia, Israel and the Netherlands does this trend have a perceptible relevance at all. For most people in poorer countries, it would benefit health if the people would eat more meat than they are able to at the moment to meet their protein requirements. In prosperous regions, there is an extensive industry, which provides goods for a health-conscious veganism. These include soy products and nutritional supplements such as vitamin preparations.

If you have the necessary money, you are well-informed and your food is well planned, you can safely eat vegan. With regard to some aspects, it is even healthy: Vegans generally take more vitamin C, which strengthens their defense system, and usually have a lower body fat content. Both can also be achieved in a non-vegan way of life. However, veganism also has unhealthy aspects: It is a question of a lack of nutrition if certain substances are not artificially supplied, such as, in particular, the vitamin B 12. Vegans also have to pay particular attention to the intake of vitamin D, calcium, iron, iodine and zinc.

The German Society of Nutrition advises eating meat, fish, eggs and dairy products once or twice a week. The main problem is the vegan diet of children who, unlike adults, do not have any vitamin B-12 reserves. Parents risk severe damage to their children when they feed them vegan. Overall, people with increased nutrient requirements such as children, adolescents, the elderly, pregnant women and nurses should not completely dispense with animal food.

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