Almond blossom | Photo: 3268zauber, License: CC BY-SA 3.0

‘Like sending bees to war’: the deadly truth behind your almond milk obsession

Published on the 08.01.2020. | By: Annette McGivney

Does vegan always mean free of animal suffering, as animal rights activists like to sell it? No. The example of almond milk shows this, behind which lies a deadly truth.

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Note: The article avoids the discussion about a vegan diet, however, through facts and figures, it shows that a vegan diet does not automatically mean that fewer animals have to die. Expecting any diet to achieve that is unreasonable. A vegan diet simply kills other animals.

Wie Veganer und Vegetarier Tiere töten

Still, a body count makes even less sense when it comes to eating. Living in harmony with nature means living from it in moderation. Problems arise when consumption becomes excessive. Zoos and aquariums also stress this and criticise excessive consumption that destroys nature. On the other hand, animal rights activists promote a vegan diet with one-sided arguments and populism.

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