Naked mole rat queen with one of the babies at the Aquazoo Loebbecke Museum (2022) | Photo: City of Duesseldorf / Aquazoo

Naked mole-rats: Royal offspring at the Aquazoo Loebecke Museum

Published on the 08.09.2022. | By: Falk Velten

The naked mole-rat family has had offspring for the very first time after moving into the Aquazoo Loebecke Museum – and royal offspring at that!

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Note: We visited the naked mole-rats at the Aquazoo Loebbecke Museum in Düsseldorf a couple of years ago.

This species is quite exceptional: they are mammals with the social life of insects. Therefore, it is crucial that there are zoos and aquariums that exhibit this species as it is a wonderful enrichment for the entire zoo world. Although naked mole-rats are not endangered, they are helping to promote a key message for the conservation of biodiversity since nature is full of wonders.

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