Lolita, also known as Tokitae or Toki in short, at the Miami Seaquarium | Photo: Pietro, License: CC BY-SA 3.0

The Dolphin Company has continuously failed Toki

Published on truth4toki’s Instagram account the 15.05.2023.

Since the takeover, the new owner of Miami Seaquarium, The Dolphin Company, has continuously failed to ensure optimal conditions for the old orca Lolita.

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Note: A second written part has been published in the meantime.

With this, the project delivers another very important detail. It looks as though the Dolphin Company does not assume any financial responsibility for the facility where Lolita, also called Toki, lives. All costs are covered by the dubious animal rights organisation Friends of Toki – i.e. costs for improving the water quality, expensive medication, and veterinary services.


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Truth4Toki (@truth4toki)

This third part bridges the gap to the present. It is an excellent review.

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