Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) at Nuremberg Zoo | Photo: Rufus46, license: CC BY-SA 3.0

Animal testing in zoos: Are polar bears stressed?

Published on the YouTube channel “Tierversuche verstehen” the 01.06.2023.

This example of Nuremberg Zoo shows how modern zoos conduct research on the animals. Thus, animal testing also occurs in zoos – and it is very, very important.

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Note: Zoos.media has had its own playlist on the topic for several years now.

We also report on the topic of animal testing in general. It is a very important topic and ultimately the foundation of nature and species conservation. Many people are under the misconception that animal testing is always linked to animal cruelty and is conducted in dubious laboratories. That is not the case. Zoos and aquariums are places of research, where it is not uncommon for visitors to be able to witness it.

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