Tiger baby at Big Cat Rescue (Tampa, Florida): It will never be allowed to have offspring. | Photo: Tony Webster, License: CC BY 2.0

Big Cat Rescue Receives Backlash After Release of Tiger King Documentary

Published on bcrwatch.com the 21.03.2020.

Big Cat Rescue, often praised as a “sanctuary”, received heavy backlash after the Netflix documentary “Tiger King” was released.

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Note: It comes as a surprise, when Carol Baskin speaks up against the husbandry of big cats, all whilst keeping them herself, and that under very questionable conditions.

It seems as though the public has started questioning the supposedly ideal world of sanctuaries. Here it is also important to recall: PETA and other members of the animal rights industry cooperate with Big Cat Rescue and recommend visiting such facilities. This is not unusual in the US – where they often depict bad zoos and similar husbandries as santuaries, without changing much and only to undergo heavy greenwashing by the animal rights industry. Examples of this can be found when it comes to big cats, great apes and elephants.

A well known animal trainer, who has dedicated herself to the protection of big cats, also commented on the husbandry

and the documentary in general:

This offers good insight on the whole topic.


Subsequent additions:

Only last October Carole Baskin received the “Carole Noon Award for Sanctuary Excellence“, with which the GFAS, a surrogate organisation of the HSUS, globally accredits the excellence of sanctuaries.

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