Europe is home to nearly half of all zoos in the world. And Germany is among the countries with the highest amount of zoological gardens.
There is a lot of information about the number of zoos – both worldwide and in Germany. This is because it is difficult to determine whether it is a zoo according to EU guidelines, a wildlife park or a small private zoo. All categories are grouped together in one database.
The website lists 1491 zoos and animal parks worldwide, including 768 facilities in Europe (302 in Germany). At zoo-infos more than 850 German institutions are listed. This database can be supplemented by a visitor form. The Verband der Zoologischen Gärten (VdZ*) lists about 200 institutions on its homepage, which are organized in federations such as the VdZ, the Deutsche Tierpark-Gesellschaft (DTG*) and the Deutsche Wildgehege-Verband (DWV*).
There are also around 500 other institutions, 400 of which fall under the EU definition for zoos. In addition, there are other small animal collections, which contain only a few species.
*VdZ = Zoological Gardens Association in Germany
DTG = Animal Parks Association in Germany
DWV = Wild Animal Reserves Association in Germany