Published on Loro Parque’s YouTube channel the 04.05.2023. Orca Ocean in Loro Parque is an important place for research. Thanks to the orcas there, major questions have been solved. This time, the matter at hand was measuring the energy consumption of killer whales. » to the full video
Published on the 26.08.2021. | By: Anaïs Remili Worn out teeth are normal among orcas – but why is this? The expert provides insights into the current state of research and offers a lot of information as well as insights on the topic.
Published on the 09.05.2021. | By: Peter Giljam In the article, animal trainer Peter Giljam reports on how positively the time as an orca trainer in Loro Parque, Tenerife, influenced & helped him. » to the full article
Published on the 26.03.2021. Loro Parque, located on the Canary island Tenerife, is participating in a study that evaluates for the first time the relationship between personality and well-being in orcas. » to the full contribution
Published on the 23.11.2020. | By: Donna Sandstrom & Tim Ragen Parts of the whale-watching industry cooperate with zoo opponents, who greenwash these sometimes massively harmful enterprises, despite the detrimental effects of whale watching on ecosystems and their inhabitants. » to the full article
Exclusively for – 08th of August in 2020. Author: Philipp J. Kroiß This article includes an interview with the renowned expert Dr. Kelly Jaakkola about the importance of good science when it comes to the issue of orcas in human care.
Published on Loro Parque’s YouTube channel the 27.06.2020. A video about the research on the metabolism of orcas carried out at Loro Parque in Tenerife. » more
Written exclusively for – 25th of February 2020. Author: Philipp J. Kroiß Animal rights activists like to claim, that there are many very old orcas in the wild. When you study the demography of actual killer whale communities, you quickly wonder: “Where have all the old orcas gone?”
Exclusively for – 19th of August in 2023. Author: Philipp J. Kroiss The death of orca Lolita, also known as Tokitae or Toki, raises questions concerning the quality of her care and the honesty of the whole project to “release” her.
Published on the 12.05.2023. Time and again, orcas attack boats. The reason for this remains unclear. The article takes a look at an incident that occurred in May on the route from Tenerife to mainland Spain.