Cathy Hummels is no longer vegan

Published on the 16.01.2022. | By: Eva Eckinger Influencer Cathy Hummels is no longer vegan because the diet would “not have been healthy for her in the long run”. Hummels occasionally promoted the radical animal rights organisation PETA.

About vegetarians and vegans, that are not

Published on the Twitter profile of the Clinic for Zoo Animals, Exotic Pets and Wildlife the 07.05.2021. Marmots, rabbits, and hippos are all herbivores, right? Wrong! These myths have been debunked also thanks to research in modern zoos. » to the tweet and studies

Is vegan lifestyle healthy?

From an ecological point of view, it would make sense if less meat would be eaten all over the world. However, this can’t legitimize a strict vegetarianism nor a basic veganism can be justified.