The lie-based movie Blackfish has also caused major damage to research by misinforming the public. Renowned scientist Dr Jason Bruck shares insights into his work many years after the film.
Published on in February of 2023. | By: Robin De Vries
What does the future of belugas look like in Europe? The article takes a closer look at the husbandry in the famous and renowned Oceanogràfic València.
The German Society for Herpetology and Herpetoculture (DGHT) has been arguing against positive lists for pet owners on the basis of facts and science for many years. Accordingly, it is also against Minister Özdemir‘s proposal on the matter.
Published on the 24.01.2023. | By: Heiko Werning
The article critically discusses the attempt of Germany’s Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Cem Özdemir (The Greens), to ban the keeping of exotic pets, and presents facts ignored by the minister.
Published on the 13.01.2023. | By: Phillip J. Greenwell, Lisa M. Riley, Ricardo Lemos de Figueiredo, James E. Brereton, Andrew Mooney and Paul E. Rose
This scientific commentary explains how zoos can have a positive impact on human populations locally and globally. This shows the value they hold for society.