Giant panda at Negara Zoo, the National Zoo of Malaysia | Photo: Mohd Fazlin Mohd Effendy Ooi, license: CC BY 2.0

Deforestation is the problem, not zoos, says animal rights activist

Published on the 12.09.2021. | By: Samuel Chua

After some attacks from the animal rights industry, the President of the Malaysian Animal Association has spoken up clearly in favour of zoos and aquariums and stressed their importance.

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Note: The headline calls Arie Dwi Andika, President of the Malaysian Animal Association, an “animal rights activist”, however, looking at the organisation’s Mission Statement, there is no sign of his commitment to animal rights. “We are a group of animal advocacy committed to promoting awareness and education of animal welfare”, it states and explicitly mentions animal welfare without addressing animal rights at all. Unfortunately, in English, animal welfare advocates are all too often wrongly referred to as “animal rights activists”.

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