13. October 201713. October 2017 anti-zoo-initiatives, media-echo PETA is seeking to publish a fake video and say it’s real Published on mashable.com on 07.06.2017. A new scandal about the animal rights organisation PETA: Mashable is allegedly spreading a fake video to generate attention for propaganda. » more
12. October 201712. October 2017 animal welfare, anti-zoo-initiatives, history, media-echo PETA’s video about elephant husbandry at Hannover Zoo Exclusive for zoos.media – 04.04.2017. Author: Philipp J. Kroiß PETA is using a video to attack Hanover Experience Zoo. The author explains that this is disinformation. He describes the background and the facts. » more
21. September 201713. February 2020 anti-zoo-initiatives, media-echo PETA: “We do not advocate ‘right to life’ for animals” Published on nathanwinograd.com. | By: Nathan J. Winograd An article on the dubious quote by Ingrid Newkirk, founder of PETA: “We do not advocate “right to life” for animals”. A scandal. » more
5. September 201712. February 2021 anti-zoo-initiatives, media-echo PETA: “We want the end of all animal husbandry” Published on taz.de the 10.10.2011. | By: Jost Maurin In an interview with the German newspaper TAZ, animal rights activist Edmund Haferbeck from PETA confirmed that the organisation’s goal is the end of all forms of animal husbandry. » more
19. August 201718. August 2017 anti-zoo-initiatives, media-echo Peta pays family $50,000 after taking and euthanising their pet chihuahua Published on www.telegraph.co.uk on 08/17/2017 | Author: Helena Horton The Chihuahua Maya, who was neither sick nor not in human care, was euthanized by PETA staff. PETA admitted the mistake and paid to the family. » more